Business case approved for Wellington's new sludge minimisation facility
The new facility is a significant and critical investment in 'Wellington's future. It will reduce the mass flow of sewage sludge going to landfill by more than 80 percent, and help the Council meet its targets of halving its emissions by 2030 and becoming a net zero carbon capital by 2050.
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Aucklanders' poo to be turned into fertiliser at Māngere Wastewater Treatment Plan
Aucklanders' poo is being turned into fertiliser as a way to mitigate waste generation. Emerge struvite is a sustainable sand-like, slow-release fertiliser made from leftover crystalised chemicals and Auckland's waste that comes from Māngere Wastewater Treatment Plant.
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Composting toilets could help reduce demands on local water resources
The Regional District of Nanaimo produces about 7,500 tonnes of biosolids each year and uses them in forest fertilisation and soil fabrication programs. Biosolids have been shown to increase tree growth on nutrient-poor soils.
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New biosolids permit boosts environmental protections and operational efficiencies
The Washington Department of Ecology's updated biosolids general permit launches a more streamlined approach to approving biosolids operations across Washington. Biosolids are the rich organic matter left over after domestic sewage is treated at a wastewater management facility.
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Portland, Maine develops biosolids master plan
In the face of rising biosolids disposal costs, the city is developing a plan to evaluate its solids processing and explore cost-effective alternatives.
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ANZBP anticipates the National Chemicals Working Group (NCWG) will release the PFAS NEMP 3.0 for consultation around September/October 2022. Keep an eye out for further communications about this in the coming months, as we will seek feedback from members during the consultation period. ANZBP has also invited the NCWG to present at an upcoming Lunch & Learn Webinar to provide an overview of the PFAS NEMP 3.0 concerning biosolids.
NSW Biosolids Guideline Review
ANZBP is represented on the Stakeholder Committee for the NSW Biosolids Guideline Review. It is understood NSW EPA intends to release interim guidance in the coming months for consultation with the industry. ANZBP will be seeking feedback from members during the consultation period.
Biosolids Emissions Assessment Mode
Biosolids Emissions Assessment Model (BEAM) is an independent project of North East Biosolids and Residuals Association (NEBRA) and Northwest Biosolids. It builds on the work of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) that aims to help biosolids managers understand their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (carbon footprint) and find ways to maximise climate benefits. The spreadsheet modelling tool calculates net GHG emissions from various biosolids management processes and allows comparisons for planning purposes. An updated version of the model, BEAM 2022, is currently under development and expected to be published soon.