In this newsletter, you will find an important update from ANZBP, information on our National Biosolids Conference 2023, and the latest news and publications on biosolids.
ANZBP National Biosolids Conference 2023
8 Feb 2023 - 9 Feb 2023 | Aerial, University of Technology, Sydney
The Australian & New Zealand Biosolids Partnership's biennial National Biosolids Conference is returning to Sydney in 2023 with the theme Champions for Sustainability. Held over two days, this conference will examine key developments in the sector, focusing on the role of industry, regulators and community as champions for sustainable biosolids management and end-use.
“When biosolids are spread on agricultural land, they add nutrients, improve soil and enhance moisture retention. Applying biosolids to land has economic and waste management benefits, since it saves space in landfills, recycles a waste product and reduces demand for conventional fertilisers.”
US Cities Are Recycling Trees and Poop to Make Compost Wood and biosolids from water treatment plants can improve the soil—and keep the remaining trees healthy. The aim is to change the mindset around human waste, says Chris Peot, DC Water’s director of resource recovery. “It’s not a liability; it’s an asset.”
The Water Environment Federation’s $500,000 study with Brown and Caldwell, Western University, and North Carolina State University will explore the use of pyrolysis to potentially destroy PFAS while producing biochar and off-gas.
Latest Academic Research
Don't forget you can take a look at our latest national and international academia round-ups on the ANZBP website.
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